Point-like Objects in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Parallax Radial Velocity Variable?
  (deg) (deg) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)  
P02547 10.536 -35.454 8.45e-124.65e-122.37e-12 0.014 -1.13 No
P05354 12.237 -35.869 2.01e-152.05e-151.48e-15 0.012 -1.07 No
P01100 12.406 -31.994 1.47e-117.52e-123.67e-12 0.016 -0.65 No
P01731 16.503 -33.809 1.46e-127.81e-133.78e-13 0.019 -0.66 No
P05297 23.161 -15.618 1.81e-141.40e-141.02e-14 0.020 0.97 No
P07053 23.119 -30.364 6.30e-133.49e-131.93e-13 0.022 -0.12 No
P01352 23.431 -24.979 6.59e-133.75e-131.75e-13 0.016 0.33 No
P03128 24.750 -29.631 2.64e-111.66e-119.59e-12 0.018 -0.03 No
P04730 29.013 -16.937 1.06e-126.00e-132.73e-13 0.020 1.14 No
P02595 32.287 -15.027 4.80e-113.41e-112.20e-11 0.025 1.36 No
P04510 36.450 -8.341 2.57e-111.54e-117.95e-12 0.020 1.99 No

Fuzzy Things in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are:

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Size Radial Velocity
  (deg) (deg) (W/m^2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)
F00028 17.432 -36.897 2.44e-171.83e-171.53e-17 43.41997 -913.95
F00039 17.578 -36.757 2.99e-171.82e-171.36e-17 50.04291 -913.93
F00032 17.804 -36.703 2.38e-171.62e-171.31e-17 38.09572 -913.92
F00036 17.811 -37.235 2.43e-171.97e-171.31e-17 58.37576 -913.85
F00030 17.872 -36.666 2.40e-171.70e-171.19e-17 38.80919 -913.92
F00027 17.879 -36.816 2.43e-171.69e-171.12e-17 33.70896 -913.86
F00043 17.959 -36.820 2.19e-171.77e-171.33e-17 53.31111 -913.66
F00026 18.004 -36.877 2.99e-172.03e-171.29e-17 50.28752 -913.96
F00049 18.013 -36.855 2.45e-171.95e-171.33e-17 50.74588 -913.91
F00041 18.024 -36.858 2.24e-171.59e-171.21e-17 52.40192 -914.10
F00050 18.026 -36.855 2.73e-171.92e-171.39e-17 35.02407 -914.17
F00037 18.032 -36.860 2.84e-172.02e-171.64e-17 46.94986 -913.91
F00029 18.033 -36.853 2.11e-171.71e-171.22e-17 24.65217 -913.98
F00035 18.035 -36.858 2.27e-171.71e-171.06e-17 58.72990 -913.98
F00033 18.036 -36.900 2.11e-171.57e-171.04e-17 35.94080 -913.95
F00047 18.046 -36.838 2.21e-171.59e-171.35e-17 51.92315 -913.89
F00034 18.050 -36.922 2.08e-171.54e-171.04e-17 24.96603 -913.99
F00038 18.103 -36.699 2.21e-171.64e-171.04e-17 35.25378 -913.86
F00044 18.119 -36.846 2.41e-171.64e-171.21e-17 53.34946 -913.96
F00046 18.153 -36.926 2.48e-171.64e-171.30e-17 49.19857 -913.94
F00040 18.171 -36.923 2.14e-171.55e-179.49e-18 35.94214 -913.91
F00031 18.171 -36.883 2.15e-171.49e-171.02e-17 47.74808 -913.91
F00051 18.220 -37.468 1.58e-171.28e-179.23e-18 19.87449 -913.99
F00048 18.251 -36.872 2.45e-171.85e-171.24e-17 40.78116 -914.04
F00045 18.254 -36.790 1.98e-171.52e-179.80e-18 46.78001 -913.96
F00052 18.345 -36.842 2.40e-171.87e-171.21e-17 37.11498 -913.80
F00042 18.480 -37.095 2.10e-171.78e-171.26e-17 44.38743 -913.86